If you’re Authoritarian, you need to have a system supporting you. You cannot just be Authoritarian by yourself. Certainly, in the United States, with today’s condition, you can easily have an authoritarian. In many ways, you’re already in the Authoritarian state, you just don’t know it. Many things happening today in U.S. can be compared to Cultural Revolution in China. Like people trying to be unified in a certain political correctness. That is very dangerous. – Ai Weiwei, Firing Line with Margaret Hoover (PBS)
That intellectual boomerang that Dissident Chinese contemporary artist and activist Ai Weiwei (hardly a “Republican,” lol) threw back in Margaret Hoover’s face after she tried framing Trump (a man that has not only been deplatformed from social media, but also a man without a single established ‘system’ supporting him) was straight-up SAVAGE! Whatever you think of Weiwei’s worldview, he is undoubtedly a freethinker that has been willing to be critical of the Chinese Government’s stance on democracy and human rights, even if it means being detained in prison for several months. In other words, he says what’s on his mind and doesn’t really care what his haters think.
It makes complete and total sense that Weiwei understands that Neoliberal obsession with Wokeism is 100% Authoritarian in nature better than most modern “liberals”. He’s seen this movie before, specifically during Mao’s Cultural Revolution (if truthful history books ever get written about our current era, our current Globalist American Empire will be forever associated with the Color Revolution they’re perpetually perpetrating on American citizens). He understands that “woke” is just an expansion of its predecessor, political correctness (you see how Globalist American Empire just repaints an old car a different color and then tries to sell it to you as a new car?), and that “woke” will likely shapeshift into another bs term in the near-future (where it will, of course, inevitably gain traction with the most cynical and talentless narcissists that the West has ever produced).
Saagar Enjeti had a great take (one that we’ve expressed many times in the past at Advanced Citizenship, because, yes, we literally always see things first) on Weiwei’s comments about creeping authoritarianism in the United States in a recent Breaking Points segment titled “China Dissident’s DIRE WARNING About Political Correctness”:
If you read about the Cultural Revolution in China, you try to understand ‘How did this happen? What exactly was it?’ And what it was was a highly dedicated group of these college students, true believers in Mao, and then you also had the inability both to speak out in the public square or of people to just say ‘This is totally crazy!’ And the next thing you know, when you don’t do that, it spiral[s] completely out of control within like two years. Within like two to three years all of Chinese society is totally transformed, you have people being beaten in the street. You have high-standing officials who help found the country being thrown out windows or shipped to some crazy province, that is, if they’re not killed. It went totally, you know, off the rails.
There’s a reason Advanced Citizenship continually harps on 2014, the year of “The Great Awokening”. This is the year the “woke” Color Revolution began in America. The backlash to ‘two to three years’ of political correctness began in 2014 and it eventually got Donald J. Trump elected in 2016.
“The big problem this country has is being politically correct.” – President Donald J. Trump, August 2015
For those of us that have studied history, the writing was on the wall. Like WeiWei, we were also familiar with this movie. Did the politically correct revolutionaries slow down, take a breath, and reconsider their own version of “The Great Leap Forward”? Of course not. Instead, they just changed the name of their preferred form of authoritarianism from “political correctness” to “woke”. We make this point for a reason. When useful idiots attempt to downplay the “woke” and their weapons of conformity enforcement, our institutions, they reveal their ignorance. After all, it was Mao Zedong who is believedto have killed at least 45 million people through widespread executions, famine, and government abuse. As the late Andrew Breitbart wrote in Righteous Indignation:
In fact, the term ‘political correctness’ came from one of Marcuse’s buddies: Mao Tse-tung. Mao used the term to differentiate between those who had ‘scientifically correct’ views and those who did not; those who did were termed ‘politically correct,’ Mao came out with an essay entitled ‘Where Do Correct Ideas Come From?’ In that essay, he argues that the Marxist society determines correct ideas, and all incorrect ideas must be put out of their misery. Mao thought it. Marcuse thought it. And his ideological heirs thought it and still think it. Hello, neighbor!
2014-2016 was all it took. The stupid, humorless, petty, and vindictive among us dropped to their knees almost instantaneously, nodding their heads at gibberish that if you had told them they’d be saying just a few years earlier they’d have laughed at you for saying.
The saying that “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it” is true. Today, we’d offer a slightly different take, perhaps “Those who let lunatic ideologues take over the asylum are doomed”.
Flash forward to 2021 and you have based Twitter accounts like @rising_serpent tweeting “Republicans did nothing to the people who framed a sitting republican president while they held majorities in the House and Senate. Democrats went after Project Veritas, Steve Bannon, school parents and anyone who voted Trump in less than 10 months of installing their president. As Based MVP Darren Beattie tweeted soon thereafter, “While historically Maoism had an intense grip internally within China, China has never effectively weaponized ideology internationally the way America does.”
In the words of Comedian Sebastian Maniscalco, “Some of you are laughing at this, some of you are not. Listen, if you’re laughing, you’re onboard. If you’re not, you’re the f****** problem.”
The bottom line? It’s not a joke…that we’re not allowed to joke.
Whoever thought that we’d see anything like this in our lifetime? It only could’ve worked if our ruling class elevated the worst members of society while simultaneously flattening the brightest. That’s exactly how Authoritarians pulled it off in old China. It’s exactly how Authoritarians pulled it off here. Gradually, then suddenly. And here some of us thought America was different. It’s the only revolution ever aimed downward to hurt people who are already struggling. The class beneath you must be exterminated. Has there ever been a revolution like this in history? – Tucker Carlson,Tucker Carlson Tonight
Tucker Carlson was right on the money at Fox Nation’s third annual Patriot Awards when he said “We [have] never had a better country be run by worse people.”
Anyone else ready to try and repeal and replace our ruling class (again)?