We’ve won more elections and lost the country. Remember, all the big donors cut everybody off after January 6th. [They said,] ‘You guys are done. The woke corporations and the woke universities are going to run this country.’ Well, that didn’t turn out. All this talk of civil war is nonsense. You know who says that? These losers. You know why? We’re two-thirds of the country. All the corporations are going to come back and kowtow to the Republicans. No. It’s not going to be the same as before. We’re going to set things right now. It’s not going to be deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, and tax cuts for the corporations. That’s what the Republican establishment wants. They want to let these oligarchs run wild again. Sorry. Game over. What we need is Trump Republicans. We’ve won enough elections over the years and we’ve lost the country. It’s now time for Trump Republicans. Nationalists. Populists. Traditionalists. Conservatives, if you can call them ‘conservative,’ because I don’t want the traditional conservatives that allowed this to happen to the country. It happened on your watch. – Steve Bannon, Right-Wing Populist
Imagine being on the House’s Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, which includes sevenDemocrat representatives and two Republicans – Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) – a stooge of our corrupt, trash regime, someone that thinks it’s actually smart to make an enemy out of the one-of-a-kind force known as Steve Bannon by persecuting him for nonsense (Bannon claimed protection of his communications with Trump via executive privilege). You’d have to be nuts, right?
Are these low-ability hacks and jokers overestimating themselves? Are they underestimating Bannon? Is the lashing out the result of desperation? Who knows.
What we know is that nobody has got cajones like the OG Based Godfather Bannon. This is one patriot the ruling class continues to discount at their own peril. A man in it in order to win it for eternity (seriously, get the book HERE). A man that literally livestreamedthe opening of War Room from the front door of the FBI Field Office in D.C. moments before turning himself after being indicted for “defying” a congressional subpoena.
Bannon exited his first court appearance and threatened to make the charges against him ‘the misdemeanor from hell’ for the Biden administration. Speaking to the press, Bannon said the following:
I’m telling you right now, this is going to be the misdemeanor from hell for Merrick Garland, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden … We’re going on the offense. They took on the wrong guy this time; they took on the wrong guys. Not just Trump people and not just conservatives — every progressive, every liberal in this country that likes freedom of speech and liberty should be fighting for this case. That’s why I’m here today. For everybody. I’m never going to back down.
They chose to take on this guy? Really? The Globalist Uniparty picked the wrong honey badger. Unlike the loser GOP leadership, Bannon revels in playing offense. Mike Cernovich recently gave his take on why it is profoundly ‘stupid’ for Democrats (who completely lack any semblance of self-control in their pursuit of political power via the weaponization of government) to go after Bannon in a recent interview with Breitbart, saying:
I’m watching them use their power. What they’re doing to Bannon is just stupid. When I read it, I wasn’t even outraged that they’re trying to take him as a political prisoner. I thought this was just stupid. Everybody who sees this is gonna know that it’s stupid. It’s stupid. [Bannon] is a powerful person spiritually, intellectually, emotionally. What a dumb thing. They should’ve just stuck to terrorizing these poor working-class people from January 6, who they can demoralize and break in certain ways, which is tragic. I don’t mean that that’s a good thing, but they’re so power-hungry and lustful and full of sin that they’re just going after everyone. You can’t do that; it’s not smart. You end up looking menial, and that’s what’s happening with Bannon. And so I’m sure they’re gonna go after more people who they shouldn’t — not just morally — because it’s not tactically sound, and that’ll do a lot to delegitimize it all. The media only know how to lie, and they get to a point where they’ve lied so much about a person that it becomes unbelievable. They don’t know how to lie just a little bit, right? That’s ultimately going to be the corporate media’s downfall. It’s what’s going to destroy their credibility.
We’ve been hearing that last party about the corrupt national press for a hot minute now, so we’ll see. Nevertheless, even The Hill admitted the following last week:Democrats and other critics of former President Trump celebrated when criminal charges were leveled against Stephen Bannon late last week. But the political downside of the pursuit of Bannon is becoming clearer by the day. There’s no guarantee that the underlying purpose of the prosecution — to compel Bannon to cooperate with the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection — will work … Above all, the criminal case has given Bannon the biggest platform he has enjoyed in years.
The more juice Bannon has, the better it will be for the country. The good news for patriots is that Bannon has got the juice now.